The aim of this study was to examine rural nurse managers' experiences withmentoring once assuming their new management role. This research study usedqualitative methods to examine mentoring experiences in relatively new andinexperienced nurse managers in the rural setting. Social Learning Theory was used asthe theoretical framework, and the conceptual framework consisted of Stewart andKrueger's (1996) concept analysis ofmentoring in nursing. Stewart and Krueger'sconcept analysis identified the following six essential attributes of mentoring in nursing:a teaching-learning process, a reciprocal role, a career development relationship, aknowledge or competence differential between participants, a duration of several years,and a resonating phenomenon.Ten nurse managers working in six different rural hospitals in southcentralKentucky were interviewed for this study. While mentoring had occurred forparticipants, it occurred at varying degrees. Six of the participants reported mentoringrelationships consistent with Vance and Davidhizar's (1996) definition of mentoring usedfor this study. Three participants reported being mentored once assuming their new role;however, further discussion with the nurse manager revealed a relationship more consistent with receiving training or having a temporary preceptor. One participantunderstood the meaning of mentoring, but she was unable to identify a mentor sinceassuming her role as nurse manager.Data analysis of this study's participant responses revealed several commonthemes: difficult transition to management role; perceptions of having a mentor;desirable traits of a mentor; investing time in people and training; and discoveringindividual leadership style on the job. Responses showed the importance of mentoringand that it was valued by new managers. Further research in the needs of new managerscould help hospitals do more to help the new manager feel supported, which wouldcontribute to the manager's longevity in the position.
【 预 览 】
Mentoring of nurse managers the experience of new nurse managers in rural hospitals : does mentoring make a difference?