The fork in the road — a Scottish perspective on relationship-building as a catalyst toward prevention in child welfare
Child welfare;Social work;International Social Work;Relationships;Relational Social Work;Ecological Theory;Prevention;Scotland;Devolution;Substance Abuse;Child Welfare Policy;Child Well-Being;Universal Family Support
This dissertation uses a case-based methodology, in-depth participant interviews, and document review, to explore the experiences of child welfare professionals within an emerging Scottish child welfare system.The Scottish system is often viewed as a hybrid approach that is highly focused on prevention and community involvement but sits between residual approaches found in countries such as the U.S. and Canada, and universal approaches found in countries such as Sweden and Belgium. Since Scotland’s devolution from the United Kingdom in 1999, new policies have impacted all areas of Scottish life and many are highly focused on the well-being of Scottish children.The perspectives of Scottish child welfare professionals provide important insights into a distinct, relational approach to social work that emphasizes characteristics such as honesty, listening, persistence, trust, and understanding.Unique aspects of the Scottish system include a focus on civic engagement, a multi-agency approach, and including children’s views from the first point of contact.Additionally there has been a focus on working with families impacted by substance misuse through an approach that acknowledges the spectrum of issues that often surround addiction, but is still highly focused on resilience and recovery.The experience of the Scots in developing and implementing their child welfare system over the past decade may provide important insights into building sustainable, holistic models of child and family support in other cultural contexts.
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The fork in the road — a Scottish perspective on relationship-building as a catalyst toward prevention in child welfare