This dissertation involves L1 adaptive control development and analysis in the presence of quantization and system delays, addressing quantized uncertain systems and delayed uncertain systems.We discuss three cases of control of quantized systems: the state feedback control for systems with input quantization, state feedback control for systems with both input and state quantization, and output feedback control for systems with input quantization. Some of the theoretical results are later applied to a buckconverter. The quantization schemes considered are introduced, detailed performance analysis and simulation/application results for different cases are included,and detailed proofs are given in an appendix.We discuss control design and performance results for adaptive control of uncertain systems with internal delays. The results are subsequently applied to control of the drilling bit in a rotary steerable system, where the spatial delays come from the difference of equipment positions.Based on L1 adaptive control theory for classical nonlinear systems in Hovakimyan and Cao (2010), we further develop the control for quantized and delayedsystems. For each case we develop control design according to the available state information, analyze the performance of the closed-loop system, and demonstratethe results in simulations and applications.