Developments in materials and mechanics for flexible electronics create opportunitiesfor building novel electronic devices that physically interface with the human body, itsorgans and various tissues. Among the wide variety of application scenarios, integrationwith the heart represents a case that is both promising and challenging. Conformalelectronic systems for monitoring physiological activity and for delivering therapies arecritically important for both basic and clinical cardiology. The complex 3D geometry andtime-dynamic deformations of the heart, however, create difficulties in establishingintimate, non-constraining interfaces between medical electronics and cardiac structures.Here we present advanced materials, mechanical designs and fabrication approaches thatyield classes of 3D conformal electronic platforms with novel capabilities in cardiacphysiological mapping and stimulation. Designs for both individual sensors/actuatorscomponents and overall device platforms are involved. The materials selections forsensors/actuators components include conductive composite for tactile sensors, siliconnanomembranes for strain gauges, iridium oxide for pH sensors, gallium nitride andgallium arsenide for optoelectronics, metal thin films for temperature sensing, andnanotextured electrode coatings for characterizing electrical activities. Careful mechanicaldesign and fractal concepts enable device characteristics that are compatible with theintrinsic cardiac physiology. Novel device platforms, including multifunctional ballooncatheters and 3D multifunctional integumentary membranes, are developed to allowintegration of these components in systems that yield critical functionalities for biomedicalapplications. Animal experiments demonstrate the operational capabilities. The resultssuggest routes for fabricating advanced electronic materials and devices with 3D formatsand create methodological possibilities for both basic physiological research and clinicalmedicine.
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Materials and designs for 3D conformal electronics with capabilities in cardiac mapping and stimulation