A model for prediction of IT based assistive technology abandonment among people with disability
People with disabilities;Information technology (IT);Assistive technology (AT);Personality;Technology acceptance model (TAM);Five factor model (FFM);Discontinuance;Abandonment
Despite people with disabilities’ (PWD) need for assistive technology (AT) devices and all of the modern improvements in the AT area, the average non-use of AT by PWD has been fluctuating around 30% over the past 30 years (Scherer, 2014). This high AT abandonment rate is not only discouraging for future development of new AT devices but also expensive due to the initial cost of purchasing soon-to-be-discarded products and the time spent on trying them. Historically, one of the most commonly studied predictors of AT usage has been AT device characteristics without enough attention to the individual who uses it. This study went deeper and examined the users’ personal and demographic characteristics in order to discover the factors that contribute to AT discontinuance. This study considered a nationwide sample consisting of n= 145 adults with different types of disabilities. This study investigated the impact of personality factors using a five-factor model (FFM) and the demographic variable of age on AT usage. In addition, this study modified the technology acceptance model (TAM) by Davis (1986) to better understand user acceptance of technology. Key findings illustrated that (a) the individual’s belief about the usefulness of AT devices had a significant positive effect on AT usage; (b) the variables agreeableness and extraversion also had a significant effect on AT usage; (c) there were acceptable associations between five factor personality variables and TAM variables; (d) the demographic variable of age had a significant positive effect on predicting AT usage. Conclusions from this study revealed that individual differences (in this case, personality factors) have a role to play in AT usage research areas. The findings provided evidence that FFM personality dimensions could be useful predictors of users’ decision to accept or reject the AT device. The results from this study could potentially lead to reduction in the percentage of AT device discontinuance as well as improving success rates of new IT-based AT device usage. These findings could also reduce required time, energy, and money to introduce and match modern AT devices to different users based on their perceived personality.
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A model for prediction of IT based assistive technology abandonment among people with disability