Three dissertation recitals were presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts (Music: Conducting). The recitals included a broad range of repertoire, from the Baroque to modernity.The first recital was a performance of Duruflé’s Requiem, scored for chorus and organ, sung by a recital choir and soloists at Bethlehem United Church of Christ on Sunday, April 29, 2018. Scott VanOrnum played the organ, and University of Michigan (U-M) School of Music, Theatre & Dance doctoral students, Elise Eden and Leo Singer, joined as solo soprano and cellist, respectively.The second recital was a benefit concert held on January 27, 2019 at Ste. Anne de Detroit Catholic Church on behalf of the Prison Creative Arts Project. Guest singers and instrumentalists joined the core ensemble, Out of the Blue, to explore themes of mercy, journey, and landing. The first set considered mercy with Jan Dismas Zelenka’s psalm setting, Miserere mei, for soprano soloist, choir, and orchestra. The second set consisted of a cappella works by Paul Hindemith (;;Six Chansons”), Ted Hearne (selections from ;;Privilege”), and Kurt Bestor (;;Prayer of the Children,” as arranged by Andrea S. Klouse). The concluding set presented ;;The Flight of the Swan” by Giles Swayne, rounded out by two arrangements: ;;The Storm Is Passing Over” and ;;How Can I Keep from Singing?” All in attendance were invited to sing an arrangement of ;;Oh, Freedom” with all the performers at the conclusion of the concert.The third recital was a compilation of five performances with the U-M Orpheus Singers at Stamps Auditorium (Walgreen Drama Center), along with two selections (;;Noche de lluvia” by Sid Robinovitch and ;;How do I love thee” by William Boland) sung by the U-M Women’s Glee Club in Hill Auditorium on March 24, 2018. The performances with Orpheus Singers took place on October 22, 2017, December 5, 2017, February 20, 2018, April 8, 2018, and November 29, 2018. Repertoire included George Macfarren’s ;;Orpheus, with his lute” and Craig Carnahan’s ;;Dancing on the Edges of Time” at the first performance, two settings of ;;Esurientes” from Antonio Vivaldi’s Magnificat in G minor (RV 610b and RV 611) and Ola Gjeilos ;;Serenity: O magnum mysterium” at the second, and the cantata ;;Ad latus” from Dieterich Buxtehude’s ;;Membra Jesu nostri” at the third. During the latter two concerts, Orpheus performed James MacMillan’s ;;The Gallant Weaver” and three pieces from Carlos Guastavino’s ;;Indianas N°1,” ;;Gala del día,” ;;Al tribunal de tu pecho,” and ;;Una de dos.”
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Three Dissertation Recitals: Masterwork, Benefit Concert, and Miscellaneous Choral Works