Intelligent Home Energy Management Systems for Distributed Renewable Generators, Dispatchable Residential Loads and Distribted Energy Storage Devices
Vehicle to Home (V2H);Renewable energy;Vehicle to Grid (V2G);Demand Response;Distributed Energy Storage Device (DESD);Electrical Engineering;College of Engineering and Computer Science
Ajao, AdetokunboBai, Kevin ;
University of Michigan
关键词: Vehicle to Home (V2H);    Renewable energy;    Vehicle to Grid (V2G);    Demand Response;    Distributed Energy Storage Device (DESD);    Electrical Engineering;    College of Engineering and Computer Science;   
Others  :  https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/138102/Intelligent%20Home%20Energy%20Management%20Systems%20for%20Distributed%20Renewable%20Generators%2c%20Dispatchable%20Residential%20Loads%20and%20Distribted%20Energy%20Storage%20Devices.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

The high demand for electricity and the consequent increase in electricity price as lead to recentstudy in reducingthe total operating cost of a residential building. This research work focuson energy management in a residential green house.Two innovative approach is proposed to solve excessiveoperatingcostofaresidentialgreenhouse, thesysteminputs whichconsistof temperature,activitylevel, andenergyconsumption isbasedon fivehouseholdoccupant in Atlanta, Georgia, also a Chevy volt of 16kWh is used in the case studies.Moreover, for a single residential house, the overall goal is to reduce the total operating costs and the carbon emissions for a future residential house, while satisfying the end-users’ comfort levels. Thispapermodelsawidevarietyofhomeappliancesandformulatestheeconomicoperation problemusingmixedintegerlinear programming.Casestudiesareperformedtovalidateand demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution algorithm. Simulation results also show the positiveimpactofdispatchableloads,distributedrenewablegenerators,anddistributedenergy storage devices on a future residential house.Fornetworkedresidentialhouses,wepresentanoptimizationoftotaloperatingcostofan interconnected nanogrid (ING) considering the effect of V2H andV2G, which helps tominimizethe total operating cost. The major objective is to reduce carbon emission, total operating cost and the peak load demand while satisfying the customer preferences of each nanogrid. A mixed integer linear program (MILP) is formulated to solve the economic operation of the ING. Furthermore, casestudiesareperformedtodemonstratethepositiveimpactINGshaveonminimizingtotal operating cost.

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