The present work collects three essays on microeconomic theory. In the first essay, I study a model in which a finite number of men and women look for future spouses via random meetings. I ask whether equilibrium marriage outcomes are stable matchings when search frictions are small. The answer is they can but need not be. For any stable matching there is an equilibrium leading to it almost surely. However unstable---even Pareto-dominated---matchings may still arise with positive probability. In addition, inefficiency due to delay may remain significant despite vanishing search frictions. Finally, a condition is identified under which all equilibria are outcome equivalent, stable, and efficient. In the second essay, a joint work Kfir Eliaz, we model a competition between two teams as an all-pay auction with incomplete information. The teams may differ in size and individuals exert effort to increase the performance of one;;s own team via an additively separable aggregation function. The team with a higher performance wins, and its members enjoy the prize as a public good. The value of the prize is identical to members of the same team but is unknown to the other team. We show that there exists a unique monotone equilibrium in which everyone actively participates, and in this equilibrium a bigger team is more likely to win if the aggregation function is concave, less likely if convex, or equally likely if linear. In the third essay, I study a situation in which a group of people working on a common objective want to share information. Oftentimes information sharing via precise communication is impossible and instead information is aggregated by institutions within which communication is coarse. The paper proposes a unified framework for modeling a general class of such information-aggregating institutions. Within this class, it is shown that institution A outperforms institution B for any common objective if and only if the underlying communication infrastructure of A can be obtained from that of B by a sequence of elementary operations. Each operation either removes redundant communication instruments from B or introduces effective ones to it.