Cutting back greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation will be a vitalstep in solving the global climate crisis. Monetizing the value of standing forests throughReduced Emissions from avoided Deforestation and forest Degradation, or REDD, could becrucial to forest conservation, befitting both the climate, communities, and biodiversity. Theseprojects, currently being developed for the voluntary carbon market, are impacting some of thelast remaining forests around the world, which are used by over 1 billion forest-dependentpeople. In this thesis I identify 12 indicators from community forest management literature thattend to predict success in conservation goals,and use these factor to analyze 23 REDD projectsdeveloping in Indonesia. I finds that most REDD projects in Indonesia are likely to fail toconserve carbon, based on these indicators. Nonetheless, most projects do not ignorecommunities; this thesis also explores the mechanisms by which these projects attempt toprovide alternative livelihoods and incentives for community members, and looks at thechallenges created by that model. Finally, I explore four groupings of REDD projects inIndonesia, based on their community engagement mechanisms, and discuss the overall likelihoodfor conservation success in Indonesia.
【 预 览 】
REDD at the Community Level: Community Engagement and Carbon Conservationin Indonesia's Forests