The Distance of Horizon
Mongolia;Art;Steppe;American Landscape;Openness;Open Space;The Great Plains;Animation;Memory;Navigation;Landscape;Place Names;Human Geography;The Sublime;Drawing;Vastness;Nature;Plains;Art and Design;Arts
Meier, CatherineAnn Arbor ;
University of Michigan
关键词: Mongolia;    Art;    Steppe;    American Landscape;    Openness;    Open Space;    The Great Plains;    Animation;    Memory;    Navigation;    Landscape;    Place Names;    Human Geography;    The Sublime;    Drawing;    Vastness;    Nature;    Plains;    Art and Design;    Arts;   
Others  :  https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/64056/TheDistanceOfHorizon.mov?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
来源: The Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship
【 摘 要 】

;;Open Space” is a phrase that describes both an idea and a particular juxtapositionof earth and sky, a state of mind and a state of being. This work addresses severalquestions about this idea. How is open space experienced, particularly in landscapes suchas The Great Plains or the Mongolian steppe? How can the distance between the external,physical landscape of the earth and the internal, intricate landscape of the human mind beunderstood? How can this understanding be expressed in visual artistic form? How canthe personal experience of the artist that is implicitly tied to space, time, place, and scalebe recreated and extended so that others can experience it?Personal experiences and memories of growing up in Nebraska, working as atruck driver on The Great Plains, and a journey to the Mongolian steppe are all exploredin this work. The reaction to both interior and exterior open space and landscape areinvestigated with these personal narratives as the starting point. It is shown how theopenness of landscapes can cause one to travel to the smallest and most segmented ofplaces, and then journey back out again. This work also presents other artist’s responsesto openness and vastness. It addresses how the simplicity and complexity of openness asexperienced in landscape can be expressed visually and extended from the personal to theuniversal.

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