Occupational stress is a significant workplace health hazard. There are a varietyof workplace factors, called stressors, which lead to negative outcomes for bothindividuals as well as organizations. Interpersonal conflict is one such stressor and stemsfrom sources such as supervisor, coworker and customer interactions. Interpersonalconflict is related to a variety of negative strains such as lower physical andpsychological wellbeing, job dissatisfaction, turnover and depression. Research hasshown that interpersonal conflict leads to negative outcomes as well as a variety ofemotions. Social interactions may induce an emotional response that requires theindividual to engage in emotional regulation to manage those emotions. Some haveargued that engaging in emotional regulation plays a role in the relationship betweeninterpersonal conflict and outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the role ofemotional regulation as it applies to abusive supervision and the resulting outcomes.More specifically, the goal was to empirically test whether engaging in emotionalregulation mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and outcomes. Datawas collected through an anonymous on-line survey instrument to employees of aninternational, full-service engineering firm. The results supported past research andtheorizing in that abusive supervision was related to all three outcome variables(wellbeing, turnover intentions and emotional exhaustion). The results also showedsupport for the mediating role of emotional regulation with the wellbeing and emotionalexhaustion outcome variables when individuals engaged in emotional suppression, butnot when individuals engaged in emotional reappraisal.
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The role of emotional regulation in the relationship between abusive supervision and outcomes