The aim of this thesis is to develop an ethical framework, based on tikanga Māori, to guide marketers. The thesis anticipates an increase in marketing activities, namely advertising targeting Māori consumers. To achieve its central aim, the thesis explores three schools of thought, that of marketing, moral philosophy and tikanga Māori. To support the literature, a critique of the Advertising Standards Authority of New Zealand and case studies of past decisions will explore the current ethical environment for ethnic minority consumers. Also, an exploration of Māori targeted advertising using case studies from exploring early Māori newspapers to contemporary magazines. These case studies help determine the development of and the current state of Māori advertising in New Zealand. This multidisciplinary research is the first in the area of Māori marketing ethics.
【 预 览 】
Te Rapunga mo tētahi Ara Tika: Searching for a 'Right' Direction