Healing of grafts of BioOss® and MoaBone® in a sheep maxillary sinus model
sinus;graft;xenograft;dental implant;BioOss;sheep;ovine;immunohistochemistry
Smith, Michael Mclean ; Duncan, Warwick ; Coates, Dawn ; Tawse-Smith, Andrew ; Rich, Alison ; Leichter, Jonathan
University of Otago
关键词: sinus;    graft;    xenograft;    dental implant;    BioOss;    sheep;    ovine;    immunohistochemistry;   
Others  :  https://ourarchive.otago.ac.nz/bitstream/10523/2005/5/SmithMichaelM2011DClinDent.pdf
来源: Otago University Research Archive
【 摘 要 】

Maxillary sinus grafting to increase the bony support available prior to dental endosseous implants is a common surgical procedure. Autogenous bone has historically been considered the gold standard for maxillary sinus augmentation. Xenograft materials such as Bio-Oss® (BO) are commonly used alternatives to autogenous bone. Moa-Bone® (MB), a xenograft material similar to BO, may provide an alternative to BO. Reasons for differences in the healing of grafting materials in augmented maxillary sinus sites are poorly understood. Aim: To characterize the early healing of Bio-Oss® and Moa-Bone® in a sheep maxillary sinus model, using cellular markers for osteoblasts, osteoclasts and proliferation. Methodology: Two animals were selected to represent healing time intervals of four, six, eight and 12 weeks after sinus augmentation with either BO or MB. Animals were sacrificed and specimens from the augmented site resected en bloc. Specimens were divided in two and either embedded in resin, ground and stained with MacNeal’s tetrachrome/toluidine blue, or decalcified and embedded in paraffin, sectioned in a step-serial manner and stained with H&E. Paraffin-embedded tissues were examined using immunohistochemical staining for RUNX2 and PCNA or TRAP histochemical staining for osteoclasts, conducted. Results: The pattern of healing of sites grafted with the test materials differed considerably. BO site were characterized by early formation of bone and minimal resorption of BO. The earliest bone formed around BO particles closest to pre-existing bone. No resorption of the BO particles was observed. Early healing in MB grafted sites was characterized by large numbers of osteoclasts and obvious resorption of MB material. Large numbers of differentiating osteoblasts were observed in the connective tissue surround MB particles from six weeks of healing onwards. Both materials were surrounded by bone after 12 weeks of healing. Conclusion: Both BO and MB are associated with new bone formation after 12 weeks of healing in the sheep maxillary sinus. The healing of MB grafted sites is characterized by obvious resorption of graft particles and large numbers of cells with osteogenic potential. Future investigations will determine whether the presence of these cells will positively impact on dental implant integration.

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