Across the world, the housing sectorplays a key role in local and national economies, andexpanding access to housing can encourage more equitablyshared economic growth. This report surveys current policyinterventions designed to encourage affordable housing inEast Asia and the Pacific (EAP). The purpose of this reportis to provide a general overview of the recent trends inurbanization and development in EAP and to considerdifferent forms of government, market, and nonprofit actionsthat support housing affordability. It will also highlightkey constraints and barriers that restrict the provision oflow-cost housing in urban areas. Housing is importantbecause it represents a significant household expenditure.The report assesses the strengths and limitations ofaffordable housing strategies used by different countriesthroughout EAP. This report offers broad conclusions thataccount for the broad social, political, and institutionalvariation among EAP countries; as such, these conclusionsmay well be applicable to more than one country context. Thereport also provides specific recommendations forimprovement where existing interventions are new or haveproven less successful. The report is divided into followingchapters: chapter one gives introduction. Chapter twoexamines trends in urbanization rates, economic development,and inequality in order to introduce the need forhigh-quality, low-cost housing options. Chapter threeexamines EAP regional trends in urban housing affordabilityfor owners and renters from select cities. Chapter fouroutlines future directions for affordable housing provisionbased on a comparative consideration of international bestpractices. Finally, chapter five surveys differentaffordable housing policies currently in place in EAP andsummarizes their strengths and weaknesses.