This report on managing governmentfinances for growth and poverty reduction in Lesotho iscentered on three areas of analysis: (i) macroeconomic andfiscal performance and prospects; (ii) inter andintra-sectoral allocation of resources; and (iii) publicexpenditure and financial management. A Public FinancialManagement assessment report, prepared using the PublicExpenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) framework isincluded as an Appendix to the main report. The study stressthat despite the relatively good growth performance, Lesothoremains one of the poorest countries in the Southern Africaregion. Because of this the Government now seeks to addressin a more systematic manner the many challenges facingLesotho including: 1) the slow pace of job creation inLesotho, compounded by the continual decline in mining jobsfor migrant workers in South Africa and a slowdown in GDPgrowth rate; 2) the increase in the incidence of povertyover the past twenty years; 3) a relatively large andinefficient public sector; 4) excessive reliance on revenuesgenerated by the Southern Africa Customs Union ; and 5) therapid spread of HIV/AIDS (current prevalence rate estimatedat 24 percent), which, if unchecked, will negate all effortsto improve the economy and welfare of the Basotho people.