How much do countries spend on socialprotection? Do social protection programs cover all poorpeople? And, how well are they targeted? It is notoriouslyhard to find comprehensive cross-country data on socialprotection programs which can help answer such questions andallow to benchmark social protection systems. The WorldBank s Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Social ProtectionDatabase attempts to fill these knowledge gaps by collectingand systematizing data on social protection programs fromboth administrative sources and household surveys. The dataassembled provides a powerful tool to study trends andanalyze program performance as well as benchmark countries social protection systems. We found both expected andunexpected trends in spending on social protection andcoverage of social protection programs across countries.Between 2000 and 2010 expenditure on social assistancenearly tripled. At a program level, conditional cashtransfer programs ceased to dominate social assistancespending, with the exception of Mexico, and have come secondto social pension spending in Brazil, Uruguay and Chile.Labor market programs remain small and fragmented, but showmuch more counter-cyclical patterns.