Knowledge is fast becoming a key factorin economic and social development worldwide. Rapidinnovations in science, communications and computingtechnologies are opening up new opportunities for countriesto harness knowledge and participate more fully in theglobal economy. Developing countries that successfully makethe transition to the knowledge-based economy will haveunprecedented possibilities to become more competitive inworld markets and to participate in the global informationsociety. New technologies can also extend the benefits ofknowledge to all segments of society and help countriesclose the gap in living standards among their citizens. Thisbook defines a knowledge-based economy as one whereknowledge is created, acquired, transmitted and usedeffectively by enterprises, organizations, individuals andcommunities. It does not focus narrowly on high-technologyindustries or on information and communicationstechnologies, but rather presents a framework for analyzinga range of policy options in education, informationinfrastructure and innovation systems that can help usher inthe knowledge economy. It also makes the case for betterco-ordination among the government, the private sector andcivil society to enhance competitiveness and advanceeconomic and social development.