This study analyzes theinterrelationship between local benefits and globalenvironment benefits in the Global Environment Facility(GEF) strategies and projects in order to: Enhance GEFpolicies, strategies, and project design and implementationso these can effectively promote the potential for localgains in those global environmental programs where actorsneed to be mobilized for long-term support of soundenvironmental management, costs incurred by localcommunities for supplying global environmental goods need tobe reduced, and possible negative impacts need to beameliorated. Strengthen GEF monitoring and evaluationpolicies and processes to develop indicators for, andenhance the tracking of, local benefits and negativeimpacts. Expand the body of existing operational knowledgeof good practices and experiences germane to pursuing globalenvironmental issues and of constraints or fallacies to beavoided in operations.Disseminate widely the most valuablelessons of existing experience and show how these lessonscan be implemented in future GEF operations.