Favorable economic conditions offer awindow of opportunity for the Ukrainian government Externalfactors served as a catalyst for the economic turnaround butpolicies and reforms have also played a critical role.Nevertheless, the positive trends will weaken without visionat the top level of government. An "insidereconomy" threatens to become a primary obstacle toUkraine's future development and also weakens the linkbetween economic growth and welfare benefits for the largerpopulation. This report examines the obstacles tosustainable growth and outlines the strategic vision foreconomic policy and reform. Specifically, it discussesadopting the economic strategy of European Choice, whichaddresses many o f the outstanding problems emphasized inthe previous chapter. This includes strengthening legal andregulatory institutions, improving standards o f corporategovernance, reducing subsidies, continuing reform inagriculture, negotiating free trade agreements, and bringingnumerous standards into harmony with WTO and EUrequirements. Ukraine has also established a set o fMillennium Development Goals for elevating key socialindicators in the direction o f EU levels. This includesambitious goals for poverty reduction, expanding access toquality health and education, reducing infant mortality,preventing the spread o f HIV/AIDS, achieving environmentalsustainability, and addressing gender inequality in thelabor market. The next task will be a more preciseformulation o f policy and reform directions that areconsistent with these underlying goals, including theprioritizing and sequencing of specific measures to makemost effective use of the Ukrainian political process.