The Agribusiness Innovation Initiative(AII) seeks to contribute to advancing a climate-smartcompetitive agribusiness sector which will create more jobsand raise incomes for Ethiopians. The AII will contributetoward this objective by identifying innovativegrowth-oriented entrepreneurs who are pursuing businessopportunities based on value addition of agriculturalcommodities and providing them with a holistic serviceoffering that accelerates their growth and increases theirsustainability. In the process of doing so, the AII willengage all stakeholders along the value chain, thusstrengthening the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystemaffecting the start-up and growth of innovative agribusinessenterprises. Relatedly, the AII will strive to have ademonstration, or catalytic, effect, encouraging a newgeneration of entrepreneurs to enter, grow, and advance theindustry. The AII will have two groups of beneficiaries. Thedirect beneficiaries include high growth potentialagribusiness entrepreneurs and small businesses. This groupincludes a high percentage of women. The indirectbeneficiaries are the small-holder farmers that supply theraw materials to the enterprises, and the tangential serviceproviders, such as truckers, packaging providers, and othersthat will benefit from the increased demand generated.