The Education System in the RussianFederation : Education Brief 2012
Nikolaev, Denis ; Chugunov, Dmitry
Washington, DC:World Bank
DOI  :  10.1596/978-0-8213-9514-1
RP-ID  :  67864
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

This study is intended for non-Russianresearchers wanting to get familiar with the educationsystem of the Russian Federation and more generally for allthose involved in education and education policy. It doesnot represent exhaustive information on the Russianeducation system and all problems and challenges existingthere, but briefly describes its main features. The reporthas the following structure. The opening chapter provides anoverview of the education system in Russia and brieflyreviews the most evident emergent trends. Chapters twothrough five are devoted to description of education systemby level. The chapters are arranged by ascending order ofeducational level and each chapter's presentinformation in a progression from the most general to themost specific. First, data on the current state of educationsystem is provided. They characterize the human andfinancial resources allocated to education; describe thenetwork of educational institutions across the country, andshow regional disparities of spending on education. Next ineach section key problems and challenges are examined; thefocus is mainly made on access to and quality of educationalservices. Third, information on recent and ongoing reformsin the education sphere addresses each subsector separatelyand defines features typical for each of them. Fourth, thereis discussion of policy options and analysis of what can beimproved in the Russian education sphere. Finally, sectionsix is devoted to lifelong learning. First, the sectionfocuses on the condition of and development trends inlifelong learning. Then it examines the state of policy,staff training including financing and coverage, andlearning for socially deprived groups of people. The sectionconcludes with policy options and possible measures for improvement.

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