Rwanda - Education Country Status Report : Toward Quality Enhancement and Achievement of Universal Nine Year Basic Education - An Education System in Transition; A Nation in Transition
The Republic of Rwanda is a relativelysmall country located in Central Africa with a population ofapproximately 10 million people, making it one of the moredensely populated countries in the world. The currentgovernment is taking positive steps to helps the countryemerge from its tragic past, and aims to promotereconciliation and unity among all Rwandese and forbids anypolitical activity or discrimination based on race,ethnicity, or relation. The government's effort todeliver basic public services to its population, includingeducation, also follow the spirit of inclusiveness and aimsto diminish gender, socioeconomic and geographicdisparities. Rwanda's development agenda is entering anew phase as it transitions from post-genocide recovery toproducing a population that is regionally and globallycompetitive and economically and socially secure. Theeducation sector plays a significant role in fulfilling thenational agenda. This Country Status Report (CSR) takesstock of recent progress and identifies a new generation ofchallenges facing the education sector, particularly in thecontext of ongoing decentralization and thegovernment's recent initiative to extend basiceducation to nine years of schooling.