This study provides support to theBank's ability to conduct client dialogue on solidwaste management technology selection, and will contributeto client decision-making. The goal of the study was tofully explore the use of the United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency and the Research Triangle Institute(EPA/RTI) holistic decision model to study alternative solidwaste systems in a wide array of waste managementconditions, using data collected from cities selected ineach region of the world. Seven cities were selected fromthe different regions of development countries served by theWorld Bank. Their data was considered to be competent, andthey cooperated with the study teams. They were: BuenosAires, Argentina; Conakry, Guinea;Shanghai, China;Kathmandu, Nepal;Lahore, Pakistan;Amman, Jordan; andSarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. These cities represented arange of economic development factors, income, commercial,and industrial activity, in addition to their differentphysical settings and climate conditions. The cities wereselected to see how such divergent variables would affectthe outcome of the modeling analysis. Each of the selectedcities is one of the largest within its country. In additionto the 7 target cities from developing countries, Kawasaki,Japan, and Atlanta, Georgia, were selected for comparativepurposes. The resulting scenarios for each city, and citiesin comparison to others, are shown in detail. While thisreport found the level of analysis adequate to indicate howtechnologies and scenarios compare, more detail would berequired for deciding on the most cost-effective technology.The results of this study can be considered a useful guidefor many cities, in understanding the waste disposal optionsmost appropriate to their conditions.