The objectives of the LandfillGas-to-Energy (LFGTE) Initiative in Latin America and theCaribbean are to. 1) contribute to the maximization ofmethane emissions reductions and the development of carbontrading opportunities; 2) promote LFGTE investment in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean to improve solid waste managementpractices in the region; 3) create awareness of LFGTEopportunities; 4) document and disseminate LFGTE experience;and 5) establish knowledge sharing mechanisms to increasecooperation. The aim of this report is to document thedissemination activities and outputs of the LFGTEInitiative, including case studies of LFGTE projects inBrazil, Canada, Chile, Latvia, Mexico, Uruguay, SouthAfrica, and Poland, a "Handbook for the Preparation ofLFGTE Projects," a workshop in Monterrey, Mexico inOctober 2003 in which these documents were presented, aknowledge network on LFG, and a Web site for the LFGTEInitiative. In addition to these efforts, the LFGTEInitiative identified landfill sites for pre-investmentfeasibility studies. Of the 26 sites that submitted lettersof interest, 10 were chosen for pre-investment work, and 5of those 10 were selected for additional pump tests.Investment resources, including carbon credit financing,were mobilized for viable sites. Along with these efforts, aLatin American LFG Project Expo was held in Montevideo,Uruguay, in July 2005 to disseminate experience and promoteLFGTE projects in the region among the private and public sectors.