During the past several months, theMinistry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Developmentof Colombia has been researching potential indicators thatwould be useful to assess and possibly adopt among whichincluded the ecological footprint. This work wascommissioned in order to provide the Ministry with a deeperunderstanding of the ecological footprint and to train anumber of its staff on the scope of the footprint in orderto support internal evaluations. As part of this exploratoryphase, global footprint network held an ecological footprinttraining workshop in Bogota, Colombia, from May 21 to June2, 2010, for an audience mostly comprised of Ministryofficials, staff, and related institutions. In addition,global footprint network conducted a more in-depth analysisof Colombia's ecological footprint to determine ifthere is existing in-country data that is more accurate,comprehensive, and up-to-date than the data reported to theUnited Nations (which is used for current Footprintcalculations). This process will create a more refinedcalculation and help identify areas of improvement for datacollection. A second focus of the work was having an initialunderstanding of how the ecological footprint of Colombiamight be used in the future to support decision making. Forthis, we explored two main areas: how the ecologicalfootprint of Colombia plays out across its sectors, and thelinkages between biodiversity and the ecological footprint.At the time of writing this report, global footprint networkis still attempting to obtain the necessary data(input-output tables) that will enable such a sectoral view,and is assessing the availability of data for a more'quality-quantitative' economic linkage assessmentbetween the ecological footprint and biodiversity.