The aim of the rapid assessment is tosupport the transition from emergency post conflict recoveryto a development approach. The completion of the water,sanitation, and hygiene, or WASH strategic framework in 2011was intended to mark the beginning of this transition in thewater resources sector. Among other things, the transitioninvolved the adjustment of policy and strategy and possiblya rethinking of approaches as the government shifts fromprimarily supply-driven emergency and recovery assistance tosustainable development. This assessment is based on areview of the typology of water uses in South Sudan (chapterthree) including rain-fed and irrigated agriculture,livestock, fisheries, hydropower energy production, urbanand rural domestic water supply and the environment; thegovernment's water sector program priorities (chapterfour); water sector institutional and policy environment(chapter five); and issues and lessons learned from thecompleted and ongoing activities since 2007. This assessmentframework has provided useful insights and findings andoutcomes that enabled the identification of programmaticpriorities and related activities that the water sectoragencies may undertake with the assistance from developmentpartners in the short and medium term. Chapters six, seven,and eight present these findings in detail.