A coordinated effort to develop aregional research and development (R and D) strategy forinnovation was launched by the Joint Statement of Sarajevo,signed on April 24, 2009, by the ministers from the WesternBalkans (WB) responsible for science and research; theEuropean Union (EU) commissioner for science and research;and the Czech Republic Presidency of the Council of theEuropean Union, under the auspices of the regionalcooperation council secretary general. In June 2011, theWorld Bank signed an agreement with the European Commission(EC) to provide technical assistance for the development ofthe WB regional R and D strategy for innovation technicalassistance (RIS-TA). The strategy aims to strengthen theregion's research capacity, enhance intraregionalcooperation, promote collaboration with business sectors,explore possibilities for financing R and D from EU fundingschemes and other external sources, and help integrate theregion into the European research area (ERA) and innovationunion. This report is organized as follows: section onegives introduction; section two gives strategic context;section three describes reform program; section fourpresents action plan for regional cooperation; and sectionfive presents proposed programs.