The first World Manga series offers apremise where the hero must grapple with social problems ofa global magnitude that are set in the real world. Fifteenyear-old orphan Rei survives by his wits and guts on themean streets of the world. His fortunes take a strange turnwhen he meets a trainer wielding some powerfultransformational magic who offers to coach him to achievehis dream of becoming the greatest marital artist in theworld! But it seems Rei's trainer is more interested indeveloping his mind, spirit and ugh! Heart than histhrashing, raging, and fighting moves! The stakes get higherwhen Rei meets a young woman fighting just to survive! CanRei meets vanquish the specter of poverty? This publicationincludes some of the following headings: poverty - a ray oflight; HIV/AIDS - first love; child soldiers of boys andmen; global warming - the lagoon of the vanishing fish;girl's education - life lessons; corruption - brokentrust; and interview with the author of the first World BankManga (passage one to passage six).