Numerous recent changes in the miningindustry have led governments to an increased interest inthe tender process as a means of awarding mineral rights.High demand and high mineral prices driven by rapid economicgrowth in countries such as Brazil, China, and India, andthe emergence of new global companies in these countries,have resulted in increased competition to obtain access tomineral resources worldwide. The two parts of this paper,the guidance/good practices and the case study, arepresented together even though they do not directly draw oneach other's conclusions. Both examine guidingprinciples and good practices for governments to use inattracting mineral investments. Although it is noted by theauthors that the Aynak tender was not a perfect process,occurring as it did in a difficult environment with adeficient in-country capacity and myriad investmentchallenges, it is a relevant example of what is involved andwhat must be considered by a government in the process andcontent of a tender. The paper is expected to motivatelong-term strategic thinking among decision makers inmineral-rich countries on ways to begin mine developmentwith the end in mind. Its intention is not to prescribe aset of actions, but rather to inform possible ways ofmaximizing the local content from mining projects which willneed to be adjusted in each unique case.