This report deals with medium andlong-term growth issues rather than the challenges posed bythe world financial crisis, the structural policy optionspresented in the report become even more important in thatcontext, and can help to partially mitigate the impact ofthe crisis on Macedonia. Section B looks at poverty andinequality issues. Section C examines Macedonia's pastgrowth in terms of total factor productivity analysis,drawing the connection with labor and capital, and withinthese broad factors, human capital and infrastructure. Italso compares Macedonia's growth to a successfulregional comparator, Slovakia. Section D benchmarksMacedonia's performance in important policy areas thatcould affect growth relative to comparator countries. Italso estimates how much improved performance in these areascould raise potential growth. Section E looks at efficiencyin public expenditure and public investment important issuesin raising growth. Section F summarizes these analyses andmakes some initial recommendations.