This report evaluates the role,operational models and identifies good practices of programsthat seek to accelerate innovative entrepreneurship bymanaging, nurturing and leveraging social and businessnetworks. The report discusses the role of ventureacceleration networks, using networks to supportentrepreneurs, creating strong networks, selecting ventures,financing the program, choosing an organizational structure,adapting to the innovation ecosystem and the role for thepublic sector in Russia.The second part of the reportdescribes individual programs. The conclusion suggests nextsteps for operationalizing a venture acceleration network inRussia. Venture acceleration network experiments highlight amultitude of challenges. Some face challenges linked to theenvironments where they operate. Where there is no localpipeline of coachable ventures or of mentors with the rightmix of skills, experience and connections, programs do notsucceed. Programs also face an uphill challenge where thereis no local access to complementary forms of public andprivate support.