This report reviews some of theaccomplishments of the Global Program for Avian InfluenzaControl and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response (GPAI).This multisectoral program comprised 72 projects in 60developing countries in all regions and received $1.3billion in financing from the World Bank. This support forGPAI projects was one of the World Bank s contributions to acoordinated global response to the threats of avian andpandemic influenzas, which benefited from financing of $4billion from 35 donors in 2006-2013. Thanks to this support,developing countries strengthened their capacity for earlyand effective disease control, bringing substantial publichealth and economic benefits to the countries and to theworld. According to Harvard University Professor and formerUS Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, "[veterinaryand human public health systems are] probably the singlemost important area for productive investment on behalf ofmankind." Indeed, circulation of the highly pathogenicavian flu virus was reduced, helping to lessen thelikelihood of onset of a pandemic. Moreover, the projectsimproved public health systems for reducing locally-relevanthealth threats. The report presents a brief background onthe global program and cross-country accomplishments andthen highlights accomplishments for each project, by region.