The survey on Lao private sector andinvestment climate covered 303 firms in six sectors andseven provinces (Vientiane City, Oudomxay, Luang Prabang,Luangnamtha, Xayaboury, Savannakhet, and Champassack). Thesurvey included 246 firms in manufacturing covering woodprocessing, construction materials, garments,textiles/handicraft, and food and beverage sectors and 57firms in tourism covering hotels, tour operators, and travelagencies. With the exception of the garment and woodprocessing sectors, which traditionally have larger firmsand more foreign investment, most firms in the sample weredomestic small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The surveyprovided three types of information useful for theInvestment Climate Assessment: perceptions of firmsoperating in Lao PDR regarding the relative importance ofinvestment climate constraints to their businesses;quantitative data on firms' performance andproductivity; and comparator country information from theirICAs, for benchmarking Lao PDR's investment climateagainst regional standards.