This Thailand Social Monitor provides anoverview of the challenges facing Thai youth today,identifying the factors that make them vulnerable andoutlining possible policy directions in moving forward. ThisSocial Monitor studies three key transitions faced by Thaiyouth, using the youth development model proposed by theWorld Development Report 2007. This model helps provide anunderstanding of the interactions among the various factorsthat affect youth development and how they influence inthree important life transitions, namely: growing uphealthy, learning for work and life and moving from schoolto work. In this model, the role of public policy is to helpyouth succeed in the transition to adulthood by broadeningtheir opportunities, expanding their capacity and providingthem with second chances to overcome negative outcomes.These areas are the three youth policy lenses through whichpolicy priorities are assessed throughout this report. Thisreport stresses that building the next generation ofThailand human capital requires a concerted effort. The fourmain ministries responsible for promoting the country'syouth development agenda-Ministry of Social Development andHuman Security, Ministry of Education, Ministry of PublicHealth and Ministry of Justice-must work towards ensuringthat every stakeholder-including other governmentaldepartments, NGOs and the private sector-come together tobring about an enabling environment for youth of all walksto thrive and realize their full potential. Moreover,policymaking must also be in tune with reality. It needs tolisten, understand and incorporate the voices and vision ofyouth, the central stakeholder in this process, in order tobe grounded on the will and aspirations of the next generation