Development and humanitarian actorscurrently engaged in Somalia face the challenge ofdelivering assistance in such a way that it is supportive ofpeace and state building, addresses the acute vulnerability,and dependence of large shares of the population whileoperating in a still insecure and changing environment.Forced displacement is a key feature of the currentpolitical economy context of Somalia. The necessity ofaddressing displacement is partly due to the scale andduration of the phenomenon. Displacement dynamics havefundamentally reshaped Somali culture in multiple ways. Thepurpose of this study is to inform the Bank and otherdevelopment and humanitarian actors on the scale,characteristics, and political economy dimensions ofdisplacement in Somalia. The study was undertaken betweenFebruary and June 2013 by a team from the Tana Copenhagen.The conceptual framework for the study was based on one forpolitical economy assessments. In this context the reportpresents, introduction; history, causes, and characteristicsof displacement in Somalia; current internally displacedperson (IDP) situation; prospects for return;vulnerabilities and development needs of the displaced;political economy challenges; and development for IDPs - recommendations.