Bangladesh is ranked as the world'sfifth most exposed country to natural disasters, includingfloods, cyclones, and droughts. The purpose of this study isto investigate the viability of agricultural insurance inBangladesh, particularly for small and marginal farmers andto present the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) with a set ofoptions for the future development of agricultural insurancein the country. The current study aims to identify anoverall framework for the development of sustainablemarket-based agricultural insurance in Bangladesh. It alsoreviews the technical, operational, financial, andinstitutional issues and options for the introduction oftraditional crop and livestock insurance products and fornew crop-index products that are suitable to Bangladeshifarmers. This report present a series of practicalguidelines and options for GoB and other interested partiesto consider for the future development and implementation ofcrop, livestock and aquaculture insurance in Bangladesh.This study benefits from this international experience (forexample, the Indian area-yield and weather-index cropinsurance schemes, a Mexican agricultural mutual insuranceprogram, and a Mongolian livestock-mortality index insuranceprogram), which is tailored to the local economic and socialcontext of Bangladesh.