This health sector profile is adescription of the health sector in Bangladesh, includingits structure, resources, services, performance anddynamics. This document provides an overview of the sector,based on publicly available reports and data. The documentintends to help the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare(MOHFW) and its partners to agree on the way forward and itsrespective roles in the process. It is neither an evaluationnor a programme review, rather it draws and extracts fromthese key documents to describe how the system works.Chapters one and two provide an overview on the healthstatus of the people of Bangladesh and the determinants ofhealth. Chapters three to eight summarise relevant aspectsof the six health systems building blocks: the overallorganisation of the health sector including governance andleadership; health services; human resources; information;financing; and medicines. Chapter nine summarises systemreform aspects in the Health, Nutrition and PopulationSector Programme (HNPSP) and work leading to the new draftnational health policy. The annex provides a list of peopleconsulted. The focus of the health sector profile is todescribe how the sector works rather than how it should, orwhat has not happened in the past. The document offers norecommendations of its own in an attempt to leave open spacefor dialogue. To best serve this purpose, the profiledescribes all building blocks rather than only those areaswhere data and information are available. The expectation isthat the profile will be updated periodically to fillexisting gaps and reflect changes in the sector over time.