To achieve gender equality and empowerwomen, it is essential to invest in human development. TheWorld Development Report 2012: Gender Equality andDevelopment (hereafter WDR 2012) brings the best globalevidence to bear on the relationship between gender equalityand development. A central theme running through the reportis how investments and outcomes in human development namelyhealth, education, social protection, and labor shape, andare shaped by, gender equality. This note is designed as acompanion to the WDR 2012 and highlights some of the WorldBank Group's recent experience with and impact onpromoting gender equality through its work in humandevelopment. Gender equality benefits society as a whole.Greater gender equality today shapes the norms and culturesas well as the constraints and possibilities oftomorrow's men and women. A wealth of evidencedemonstrates that gender equality begins a virtuous circleof higher productivity, lower poverty, and betterdevelopment outcomes for generations to come.