Tundia, like most areas in SouthKordofan was seriously affected by the North-South war, withinfrastructure and basic services, particularly waterpoints, left in poor conditions. The increasing number ofreturnees also exerts additional pressure on the limitedwater supply points, causing several inter and intra-groupconflicts, particularly during summertime. It is envisagedthat access to water through improved/rehabilitated and/orconstruction of additional/new water sources can helpreducing tensions between water users, especially in Tundiaarea. Past water interventions endeavored by the community,NGOs and government, lacked proper planning, real technicalinput and therefore did not bring long-term sustainablesolutions. Notwithstanding other problems and developmentchallenges facing the area, the 5 year plan (2007 - 2011)for development of the area, devised by the TundiaDevelopment and Management Committee has put emphasis ondevelopment of water supply sources. The overall objectiveof this water needs assessment is to contribute to alleviatethe water problem, thus improving the socioeconomicconditions and mitigating water-related conflict in Tundiaarea. To achieve this objective a baseline survey study(supported by the World Bank, April, 2010) was conducted,focusing on a water needs assessment and highlighting themain problems that the population faces in the area.Subsequently, water development options have been suggested.