The energy sector rapid assessment wasconducted by the World Bank for the Government of Romania,as part of an advisory services program on climate changeand low carbon green growth. The objective of thisassessment is to identify climate change related investmentpriorities and necessary implementation support for the2014-2020 operational programs, with a view to achieving theEuropean Union (EU) 2020 targets and laying a foundation forcontinued de-carbonization of the energy sector. This rapidassessment focuses on climate change mitigation actions inpower and heat generation and in energy use inmanufacturing, residential, public, and commercial sectors.Energy use and efficiency in the transport sector is studiedin a separate transport sector rapid assessment. It includesin-depth investigation of the main energy end-use sectors orsubsectors, low-carbon energy supply optimization based onlong-term energy demand patterns and trends, and the designand approaches of key energy efficiency interventionprograms, such as thermal retrofit of residential and publicbuildings and economization and modernization of districtheating systems.