Economic growth is expected to almostdouble in EU111 in 2014, and continues to strengthen in2015. Overall EU11 GDP growth is forecast to strengthen from1.4 percent in 2013 to 2.6 percent in 2014. The initialreliance on net export growth, with rising demand from therest of the EU, is gradually giving way to more balancedgrowth as domestic demand picks-up, notably in Romania,Slovakia and Poland.Fiscal consolidation will continue in2014 and 2015, but at a more gradual pace than in theprevious years. The overall EU11 fiscal deficit is expectedto drop to 2.9 percent of GDP in 2014 and to 2.5 percent ofGDP in 2015. However, there is a need for larger adjustmentsin Croatia and Slovenia to achieve sustainable deficit anddebt levels.Economic growth forecasts in the EU11 aresubject to multiple risks, mainly on the downside, as theglobal financial situation remains fragile. While labormarket conditions have started to improve, the pace of jobcreation and reduction in unemployment rates are likely tobe gradual.