Land, and its proper management, is acentral issue in developing countries. Efficient use andmanagement of land are key contributors to maximizing thepotential benefits of sustainable socioeconomic development.Accurate and accessible land information is a necessaryrequirement for sustainable rural and urban development,which will contribute to the elimination of poverty. Awell-functioning land market is crucial for achieving thesegoals and a prerequisite for a land market to functionproperly includes easy, rapid and cost-effective access toland information. Although the Vietnam Land Law (2003) aimsat facilitating the development of a land market, there arestill impediments to the growth of the land market due to alack of access to land information. Consequently, landinformation users depend on personal contacts or approachland sellers through informal means. Therefore, enhancingaccess to land information is of high priority as landinformation is fundamental to decision-making on landinvestment and management. Although the promulgation ofthese land management laws and regulations is consideredsignificant and substantial progress in improving access toland information, there is a lack of systematic empiricalevidence as to how well the transparency provisions of thelegal framework on land management in Vietnam have beenimplemented in practice. Against this background, thisreport is prepared to document the actual disclosure of landinformation as required by the laws and regulations.