Cyclone Evan hit Samoa in December 2012and caused immense damage and significant losses. The valueof durable physical assets across all economic and socialsectors destroyed by Evan is estimated at Samoa tala (SAT)235.7 million, equivalent to United States (U.S.) 103.3million dollars. It has been found that 55 percent ofdisaster effects fall within public sector ownership, whilethe remaining 45 percent of effects are within privateenterprises and individual ownership. This breakdownprovides guidance on the sharing of responsibilities duringrecovery and reconstruction. The government is expected notonly to take care of the issues that fall within itspurview, but also to exercise leadership and guidance inrelation to the private sector, with special reference toaddressing the post-disaster requirements of the poor. Inorder of descending magnitude or intensity, the mostaffected sectors were transport, agriculture, theenvironment, electricity, and tourism. Though socialcohesion and social relations were found to be strongthroughout and after the disaster, with people supportingtheir extended families and communities well, some incidentsof antisocial behavior were reported. This paper isorganized as follows: chapter one is living with disaster;chapter two gives assessment methodology; chapter threedeals with damage, losses, and needs by sector; chapter fourfocuses on economic impacts; chapter five presents human andsocial impacts and needs; chapter six deals with managingdisaster risk; and chapter seven gives summary ofpost-disaster recovery and reconstruction needs.