The note looks at effectiveanticorruption legal instruments, ensuring that laws are inplace to deter corruption. However, law enforcement measuresare not the first, or necessarily the preferred method ofdefense. An informed citizenry, a government imbued with aservice ethic, and other measures can be more effective incombating corruption. But tailoring the law to enforcementcapacity, generally encompass a variety of statutes thatprohibit bribery, nepotism, conflicts of interest, andfavoritism in the award of contracts, or the provision ofgovernment benefits. And, writing such laws contain"bright-line rules" that are contrasted with thosecontaining standards that are open to interpretation byenforcement agencies. As an example of these"bright-line rules" the note provides the recentexample from Argentina, where nepotism, and favoritism ingovernment hiring are perceived as serious problems.Considerations to the inclusion of bright-line rulesinclude, the preclusion of receiving gifts or payments bygovernment employees; of interest in a corporation or entityaffected by that employee's decision; of hiringrelatives; and, that employees must publicly disclose assets hold.