Integrating the Least Developed Countries into the World Trading System : The Current Impact of EU Preferences under Everything but Arms
Brenton, Paul
World Bank, Washington, DC
DOI  :  10.1596/1813-9450-3018
RP-ID  :  WPS3018
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Trade preferences are a key element inindustrial countries' efforts to assist the integrationof least developed countries (LDCs) into the world economy.Brenton provides an initial evaluation of the impact of theEuropean Union's recently introduced "Everythingbut Arms" (EBA) initiative on the products currentlyexported by the LDCs. He shows that the changes introducedby the EBA initiative in 2001 are relatively minor forcurrently exported products, primarily because over 99percent of EU imports from the LDCs are in products whichthe EU had already liberalized, and the complete removal ofbarriers to the key remaining products-rice, sugar, andbananas-has been delayed. Brenton looks at the role EUpreferences to LDCs in general have been playing and couldplay in assisting the integration of the LDCs. He shows thatthere is considerable variation across countries in thepotential impact that EU preferences can have given currentexport structures. There is a group of LDCs for whom EUtrade preferences on existing exports are not significantsince these exports are mainly of products where themost-favored-nation duty is zero. Export diversification isthe key issue for these countries. For other LDCs, EUpreferences have the potential to provide a more substantialimpact on trade. However, the author shows that only 50percent of EU imports from non-ACP (Africa, Caribbean, andPacific) LDCs which are eligible actually requestpreferential access to the EU. The prime suspect for thislow level of use are the rules of origin, both therestrictiveness of the requirements on sufficient processingand the costs and difficulties of providing the necessarydocumentation. More simple rules of origin are likely toenhance the impact of EU trade preferences in terms ofimproving market access and in stimulating diversificationtoward a broader range of exports.

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