This is the sixth issue of the"Thailand Social Monitor." It is written for Thaipolicymakers, to provide them with the best evidencecurrently available on poverty and public policy, and tostrengthen the foundation for anti-poverty strategies inThailand. This report approaches Poverty in Thailand fromfour perspectives: 1) the changing profile of the poor, whothey are, where they live, their defining characteristics,so as to better understand the dimensions of the problem(Chapters 1 and 2); 2) the changing profile of incomeinequality in Thailand, to assess whether incomedistribution should be an issue for public policy (Chapters3 and 4); 3) some of the strategic, cross-sectoral issuesthat are at the center of public policy debates on povertyreduction in Thailand (Chapter 4); and 4) the performance ofrecent policies and programs to reduce poverty, so as toappreciate the strengths and limitations of public policy inthis challenging domain (Chapters 5 and 6). The coverage ofthis report is thus broad. However, while chapters 5 and 6analyze targeted poverty interventions, they do not capturethe full range of public efforts to reduce poverty, nor dothey address the anti-poverty benefits of universalprograms, such as education, health, transport, oragricultural services. Also, macroeconomic policies are not covered.