The report reviews evidence of childlabor in Brazil, and the Government's efforts toeradicate its worst forms, by examining backgroundassessments of ongoing programs for its prevention. It seeksto identify promising strategies, addressing the needs ofhighly vulnerable children in urban areas, engaged inactivities such as drug commerce, prostitution, or otherdangerous activities. One such program is the Child LaborEradication Program - PETI - unique in that it provides aconceivable strategy to address by 2002, the incidence ofchild labor. The assessments demonstrate that the programhas been successful in reducing child labor rates, schoolattendance has increased as a result of the program, and,attitudinal and other changes have occurred as a result ofthe program. The report outlines the political, and legaldebate on child labor, examining indicators and trends inBrazil, as well as the determinants of child labor, linkingchild labor and poverty to its structural determinants, andhow economic crises affect child labor. A description ofchild labor outcomes follows, specifying how child laborleads to low educational attainment, and low earnings,including its implications for adult wages, income, andpoverty, summarizing targeted program expansion and future challenges.