Malnutrition is crippling Bolivia, andthe country must now face the political, and bureaucraticfailure in addressing malnutrition. This study defines thenature, and extent of the malnutrition problem in thecountry, identifies the underlying reasons for the failedresponse, and outlines actions for both immediate, and morelong-term results. The study further estimates that lessthan ten percent of government, and non-governmentexpenditures, with an explicit nutrition, or food securitycomponent, is devoted to effective programs serving theneediest - poor pregnant women, and malnourished childrenunder two. Public and private expenditures on nutrition areoften misdirected, for although Bolivia did achievesuccesses in the advancement of nutrition over the pasttwenty years, the problem of malnutrition still requiresaction on several fronts. Primarily, nutrition needs anational strategy, and functional leadership, able toprovide the population with accurate, and practicalnutritional knowledge, prioritizing effective interventionsfor the most vulnerable. The study suggests improvements inprogram design, by targeting assistance, and exploiting theopportunities to improve nutrition through water andsanitation, rural development, roads, and educationprojects, which can have a profound effect on nutrition.Recommendations include the development of nutritioneducation focused on high-priority population, towardscreating a private commission to demand continuity ofGovernment attention to nutrition, as well as communityparticipation in nutrition programming.