This Country Financial AccountabilityAssessment (CFAA) considers the strength of the financialaccountability framework in Tanzania's public andprivate sectors. It is intended to assist theGovernment's own ongoing efforts to strengthen thefinancial accountability framework and build capacity tocarry out financial accountability functions. The reportassesses whether the design and implementation of theframework are adequate to ensure the proper use ofGovernment and donor resources. It also measures the degreeof compliance with rules and procedures; identifies areas ofrisk, especially where the country's formal rules,systems, and procedures fall below international benchmarks,and suggests remedial actions and mitigating measures. Inaddition, the assessment focuses on progress made inbuilding capacity to perform the duties necessary to ensurefinancial accountability, with special concern forgovernance issues and the public interest. The CFAA has twokey objectives, firstly to facilitate a common understandingby the Government and development partners of thecountry's financial management arrangements in both thepublic and private sectors, identifying areas forimprovement and reaching agreement amongst key stakeholderson how to take this forward. Secondly, to identify areaswhere accountability arrangements need to be strengthenedand the risks that these may pose in relation to the use ofpublic funds.