The report is intended to provide aconsistent, and convenient set of data to monitordevelopment programs, and aid flows in the Africa region,while continuing the succession of data publication series,began in 1989 by the World Bank, in cooperation with theUnited Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Each new volumeprovides access to more focused information, and representsan improvement in the quality, and availability of the data.The data contained in this report stems mostly, fromnational statistical services in Africa, and, additionally,many international agencies compile data on Africa,presented in a standardized framework. World Bank staff,supplement estimates to help address missing, orinconsistent data from standard sources, and, thesedifferences in methodologies are addressed throughout inchapter introductions, and in technical notes. The reportpresents the available relevant data for 1970-99, groupedinto fourteen chapters: background data; national accounts;prices, and exchange rates; money and banking; externalsector; external debt, and related flows; governmentfinance; sectoral information; aid flows; social indicators;and, environmental indicators (taken from the WorldResources Institute's World Resources 2000).